Friday, 31 August 2012

August 28 and I can smell the Fall

It must be getting cooler but it isn't. The rain just split the extraordinary heat and I was in the house, in the pine box, listening to it pounding the roof and soaking the topsoil we just laid on Deborah's lawn. I'll get a photo tomorrow.You should have seen her yesterday, at 30 degrees in the late afternoon, picking up stones and rocks like an old Scottish pioneer. Or like a child playing on the hard clay surface.

So we picked up a shower to install along with all the other equipment and Deborah saw a dishwasher and a stove which looked good and weren't too expensive, so we bought them too, then we bought a beautiful wisteria tree and off back to the Cape where we labored over the 11 cubic yards of topsoil (brown sand really) which Bernard Burke dumped the day before.

The house is lighting up: there's a light in every room now. I only have the master bathroom and hallway walls to build and I'll be on to the siding. It's easy to work 8 hours a day when you can see results like these. Deborah has started painting the wood white and it is really radiant. I introduce her to an electric sander, a Makita tool, and the result is astonishing.

Spend 12 hours on August 30 helping the Master Builder putting a new asphalt shingle roof on cottage 2. 8 hours of asphalt. I cut, he installs. It's back to old times, like last year, staring up at him in silhouette against the sky... He can hardly move when he's finished the day.

I'll upload a few photos to show you where we're at...

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