Sunday, 22 May 2011

Friday May 20 2011 How the boats entered the water and the woodmiser filled the land with sawdust

You might think from the photos that we have moved into a marina, not a Cape Breton woodland retreat. Indeed there are boats in the vicinity –the MB seems to have half a dozen boats of one kind or another and I even came across and claimed as salvage an old Sears paddler which I shall probably rig out as my mackerel jigging rig (that all sounds maritime, doesn’t it?)
The crane comes in to lift Wayne’s boat into the water and barely manages it. The weight of the boat is too much for the boom but the operator (seen here with Patrick)who looks like he’s part of a TV series, takes the risk and swings it out over the water and in. Then the mast is cranked up and out from shore and now it’s up and the summer can begin.
The MB would like to sail right away: where do these Swiss get this sailing urge? I thought Switzerland was land-locked? How doi they win the Americas Cup? But first we have to get his WoodMiser sawmill started up. A struggle with the electrics and it’s running and we are producing headers, 6 by 8 headers in spruce, beautiful pieces of wood. It’s a bit sad to think that we won’t even be looking at these bits of wood because they’ll be hidden behind facing, but we will know they are there...
Very sad news from Ireland via Australia and from England: my first cousin Marian has died after a 5-year battle with ovarian cancer and my first friend at Cambridge, Hugh, has a serious degenerative neurological condition.
Better get that house built before I too collapse in a heap.

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